The Eternal Journey of Women's Liberation: A Poetic Reflection Inspired by Pilar's Book

Published on 11 July 2024 at 01:19

 By. osiris Valdés López


 Throughout the centuries, women have been viewed as fragile creatures, ruled by their emotions and confined to the shadows of the home. During the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and much of the 20th centuries, their figure was restricted to the domestic sphere, transformed into angels of the house, while the outside world was denied to them. Physiological treatises, moral writings, customs, and unjust laws wove a veil of darkness and oppression during the Middle Ages.


 But amid that darkness, the inextinguishable flame of freedom shone. Pilar Bellés Pitarch, renowned Spanish writer and lecturer, enlightens us with her work "La ruta de los cátaros y las mujeres en el catarismo" (The Cathar Route and Women in Catharism). This book, available in Valencian as "Raymonde Piquier. Una heroína entre els càtars" and translated into French and English, is a literary gem that intertwines historical novel, essay, and poetry, transporting us to the heart of the medieval era and revealing the silent struggle of Cathar women.

 Reading this book transports you not only to the history of the Cathars but also to the intimate lives of women in the Middle Ages. Raymonde Piquier, our narrator, guides us on a journey of emotions and experiences, unveiling the deepest secrets of the female soul in her time.


 "The Cathar Route and Women in Catharism" invites us to explore through time, clearing the shadows that veil our perception of the medieval era. Have you ever wondered how history would unfold if it were written by women instead of men? Thus begins our tale. When we evoke that period, we recall wars, plagues, and hunger, the dominance of feudal and ecclesiastical powers, and the subdued role of women. But what about their voices, their dreams, and their struggles?


 This book challenges not only established narratives but also celebrates the grace and resilience of those women who, against all odds, found ways to express their aspirations and defy imposed norms. It is a celestial tribute to the memory of those whose stories have been buried beneath the veil of silence, now emerging as stars to illuminate the path, inspire, and empower with their eternal light.


 The message the author seeks to convey is a deep historical and poetic exploration of Catharism, a dissident Christian movement that spread across Europe from the 10th to the 14th centuries. Facing persecution and repression from the Catholic Church, particularly through events like the Albigensian Crusade and the Inquisition, the Cathars lost their voices in the tumult of time. Yet, this narrative does not forget women like Raimona and Raymonde Piquier, whose ideals were silenced and whose suffering echoed in the folds of oblivion.


 From the shadows of the past emerges a voice, that of Raymonde Piquier, narrating medieval history from a Cathar perspective. With this book, she and other medieval women, forgotten for centuries in a patriarchal society, speak out. As the poet Sappho of Lesbos said, "Someone will remember us when we are gone."


Firmly rejecting the persecution of the innocent, abuses against women, the Crusades, and the Inquisition, each page bears witness to the struggle for freedom of belief and resistance against injustice—a homage to those who dared challenge the oppressive system of their time.




  Pilar, have you ever changed an ending after writing it?


 Yes, many times, I have changed the ending. In writing a novel, it must be done and redone until it is perfect. To achieve excellent work, one must be humble, learn from mistakes, and recognize when you are not inspired or when what you write does not reach the desired level. To correct is wise.


  What slogan would you propose for a national reading campaign?


 “With a book in your hands, you will reach infinity” because I believe that reading a book takes us to unimaginable places.


 If you were a book, which one would you be?


 A science fiction novel, of course. It is a reading that excites and engages me.


 Do you write during the day or at night?


 When I am inspired. I have no schedule; I only write when I feel like it or feel the need. Although in poetry, I am more inspired at night.


 How many works have you published?


 I am a very restless person and, since I do not like having anything that limits my creativity. Personally, I believe that the entire process of publishing and promoting our books is a bureaucracy that is not always to my liking. What I love is writing.


 What does writing bring to you?


 Writing is everything to me. I am nothing if I stop writing. I must admit that I have gone through stressful periods where I could not write and felt incomplete. Writers and writing are an inseparable whole.


 How do you balance family life, social life, and writing?


  The only way I know to balance family life and my literary activities is respect and sharing household tasks so that each person has their free time and hobbies. Each person must have their own space and their own things. It is the only way I believe one can be happy.


 Could you share with us an anecdote related to the time you were writing the novel?


 There were many anecdotes. When, at the request of an association, I promised my book in French, my native collaborator failed, and instead of giving up, I dusted off my college French and launched into writing it myself. I worked tirelessly for a month and, when I had almost given up, found another native speaker to review it, and my book was ready in time for my French conference tour. It was wonderful!


             Get to know the author


 Pilar Bellés Pitarch, born in 1964 in Sant Mateu (Castellón), merges her pen with teaching and linguistic research. With a degree in English Philology, she passionately instructs English and French in early childhood and primary education, enriching adult education as well. Beyond her pedagogical endeavors, she stands out as a contemporary writer committed to our society.


 Awarded and recognized for her poetry and short stories, Pilar is an active lecturer in Spain and France, where she promotes her works in French. Her research on English learning methods and publications in the language enhance her literary legacy.


Author of a collection of six books, "Stories and Poems in English for Early Childhood and Primary Education," and ten novels including "The Magic Diary" and "The Shadow," among others. Her diary, "Diary of Multiple Rip-Offs," and biography "A Lifetime: Memoirs and Anecdotes of Mel and Xispa," co-authored with Manuel Falcó García (Xispa), shine in her prolific career.


 In theater, she has shone with "Perfect Deception," while in poetry she has captivated with works like "Curves in the Road" and "New Winds." Her essays, such as "Essay and Poetry: Machismo and Feminism in Cervantes' Work," reveal her deep literary analysis and commitment to critical reflection.


 Pilar Bellés Pitarch embodies excellence and success in the literary and educational world, illuminating paths with every word written.

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Polar Bellés Pitarch
7 months ago

Thank you very much Osiris Valdés for such a wonderful interview and for your great work in spreading culture in an excellent way through this literary magazine. You make the world better. Keep it up!

Osiris Valdés López
6 months ago

Dear Pilar,

Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m truly glad to know that you value our work at Fashionista Edition. It’s a great honor for me to contribute to the spread of culture and literature, and your support means a lot.

Knowing that what we do has a positive impact is a tremendous motivation to continue with passion and dedication. Thank you for being part of this journey.
Warm regards,


Isabella Martínez
6 months ago

Pilar, your approach to the evolution of women throughout history is fascinating. Your book not only illuminates the past but also inspires us to view the present with a new perspective. Thank you for opening our eyes to the voices of women in Catharism and for your valuable contribution to literature.

Javier Fernández
6 months ago

I was very impressed with your proposal for a national reading campaign. 'With a book in your hands, you will reach infinity' captures the magic and power of reading perfectly. Your love for science fiction also resonates deeply with my own taste for the genre. Thank you for sharing your passion and wisdom.

Alejandro Ruiz
6 months ago

The way you combine historical narrative with poetry in your work is exceptional. I love how your book 'The Cathar Route and Women in Catharism' offers a profound and emotional view of women in the Middle Ages. A true tribute to female resilience!

Carmen López
6 months ago

Pilar, reading about your experiences and how you balance family life with your passion for writing has been inspiring. The way you approach writing as an extension of your being is admirable. Your dedication to telling stories from a feminine perspective in history is truly remarkable.

Lucía Gómez
6 months ago

The anecdote about your translation into French demonstrates your determination and love for writing. It’s inspiring to see how you turned a challenge into an opportunity to move forward with your work. Your book is a testament to your dedication and creativity. I look forward to reading more of your works soon!