By Osiris Valdés López
Carlos Pérez Vélez, Experiences in Educational Intervention. Machismo, Sexism, Mexican Society
The struggle against machismo in contemporary Mexican society continues to face enduring barriers. Men, from their positions of privilege, often remain unaware of their advantages or are simply unwilling to relinquish them, thus perpetuating this culture. The challenge lies in recognizing the problem from a position of privilege, as different circumstances are experienced and there is often reluctance to relinquish these privileges. Machismo is a sociocultural construct intricately linked to a set of ideas and values that exalt male supremacy. This phenomenon is a facet of sexism or sexual prejudice, which often manifests unconsciously in many human societies.
This belief system classifies individuals into hierarchies of superiority and inferiority based on expectations deemed "essential," "natural," or "biological" for defining what it means to be a "true man" or a "true woman." Stereotypical gender roles are always opposed, assigning fragmented responsibilities such as child-rearing to each gender. In many regions, this has led to an ancestral narrative of the "absent father," a trend that persists today. Recently, I had the privilege of delving into a revelatory book: “Experiences in Educational Intervention.” This work stands as a highly recommended read, addressing these issues with depth and reflection. Not only in Mexico but in numerous other countries, women continue to face these adversities, highlighting the urgent need for equality.

The Creation Process of the Book
The esteemed Mexican psychologist, speaker, and author Carlos Pérez Vélez devoted six years of meticulous effort to the creation of this book, in collaboration with the talented María Félix Ramírez Ortega. Over a decade of research, the authors established constant contact with the community of Hueytlalpan, Mexico, a place that served as profound inspiration for the creation of “Experiences in Educational Intervention.” Its pages resonate with the voices of 40 women from Hueytlalpan, along with the voices of their students, colleagues, and friends, both within and outside the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Unidad 211 in Puebla, Mexico.
The book’s creation process not only offered insight into the realities of these women but also transformed the author, connecting him with the feminine world present within every human being. This journey allowed him to explore his own emotions free from the chains of cultural prejudices traditionally imposed on men. Examples of these prejudices include the belief that "a man cannot cry" or "cannot show weakness." Paradoxically, the book reveals the inherent strength in women, highlighting feminine power as a beacon of resilience and dignity. Each page manifests the daily struggle of women to claim their place with unyielding dignity, challenging male concessions.
As Carlos Pérez expresses: "They deserve to be heard, not as a favor, not as something curious, but so that they can raise a voice that is always loving and tender. To give us a lesson in humility and to acknowledge the strength with which they have lived with dignity for so many years, despite the adversities. They teach us without us thinking for them or speaking in their name. Their voices are present in the book."
Biographical Synthesis
Carlos Pérez Vélez, a psychologist by training, has forged an admirable career in education and development. He holds a master's degree in Regional Development Administration, a specialization in Educational Management, and international training in Ontological Coaching. His role at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Unidad 211 in Puebla as both a director and educator is marked by an unwavering commitment to academic excellence and holistic development. He has shared his knowledge and experience as a speaker, workshop facilitator, and panelist, as well as serving as a curriculum designer and peer evaluator for CIESS. His distinctions include second place in the state Research Award 1998, Distinguished Citizen of Puebla 2005, and Distinguished Educator 2016. Additionally, he chaired the Organizing Committee for the II International Congress on Educational Intervention in 2017 and has served as an observer and substitute electoral advisor for district council 06 for the 2017-2021 term. His career is a testament to his dedication and passion for equality and education.
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Carlos Pérez Vélez, your work is a symphony of voices that have been silent for too long. Your dedication to exploring and unveiling the depths of machismo in Mexican society through 'Experiences in Educational Intervention' is an act of unparalleled courage and empathy. You have transformed the experiences of the women of Hueytlalpan into a literary legacy that not only challenges established norms but also invites every reader to reflect on their own prejudices. Your ability to blend academic research with a profoundly human narrative is a testament to your talent as a writer and your commitment as an educator. Thank you for offering the world a work that is both a mirror and a beacon, guiding us toward a future where equality is the norm, not the exception.
Carlos Pérez Vélez, your ability to capture the essence of the struggle for gender equality is, in itself, an art. Through 'Experiences in Educational Intervention,' you have woven a tapestry of stories that resonate with the strength of the women you have had the privilege to meet and listen to. You have achieved what few can: humanizing a problem as deeply rooted as machismo without losing sight of the academic rigor that characterizes your career. The way you immerse yourself in the experiences of others, allowing them to transform your own being, is an inspiring example of what it means to be a true ally. Your book is a work that transcends the boundaries of literature and sociology; it is a hymn to the resilience and dignity that resides in every woman.
Carlos Pérez Vélez, 'Experiences in Educational Intervention' is a compelling exploration of machismo and its pervasive effects on Mexican society. Your work stands out for its deep empathy and scholarly insight, offering readers a nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by women. Through your meticulous research and dedication, you have provided a platform for marginalized voices to be heard and valued. Your book is not only an academic resource but also a powerful tool for social change. Your passion for equality and education shines through every page, and your contribution to this important field is both commendable and inspiring.
Carlos Pérez Vélez, 'Experiences in Educational Intervention' is a remarkable achievement that goes beyond the boundaries of traditional educational literature. Your work eloquently captures the essence of machismo and its impact on Mexican society, providing readers with both insight and hope. The way you integrate personal stories with scholarly analysis offers a compelling narrative that challenges ingrained societal norms. Your book is a beacon of light in the ongoing quest for gender equality, and your efforts to highlight the experiences of women with empathy and respect are deeply appreciated.
Logan Anderson, Agradecemos el comentario, al inicio de este trabajo de investigación-intervención había muchas problemáticas y derivado de ellas algunos proyectos que fueron tomando forma y desarrollados por la misma gente de Hueytlalpan, en esta mediación La Universidad Pedagógica Nacional a través de un equipo interdisciplinario y en colaboración con dos Universidades más (la Universidad Iberoamericana y la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, realizaron un primer diagnóstico Publicado en 2010).
Es por ello un esfuerzo colectivo, que compartimos para ofrecer un Proyecto de Intervención, respetando la libertad en la toma de decisiones, un profundo respeto por la cultura del Totonacapan con sus tres corazones de empatía, nobleza y amor por sus costumbres y legados, que en realidad son la música de fondo en esta narrativa.
En verdad, mil gracias.
Carlos Pérez Vélez, your dedication to documenting the struggles and triumphs of women in 'Experiences in Educational Intervention' is a profound contribution to the discourse on gender equality. Your ability to weave together rigorous research with poignant personal stories creates a rich tapestry that speaks to both the mind and heart. Your book serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of understanding and addressing the root causes of machismo. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to education and social justice, and for inspiring others to join in the fight for a more just and inclusive society.
Noé Collins, "... es una profunda contribución al discurso sobre la igualdad de género". Se agradece el centro de tu análisis, además de iniciar con la intervención el camino del corazón en el centro de la "Cultura de los tres corazones: Tutunaku", crea un rico tapiz que habla tanto a la mente como al corazón." Y no sólo del pensamiento, poderoso en la capacidad para generar análisis "profundo"; el camino del corazón es un cambio de paradigma, que acompaña, que alienta y que incomoda. Pero acompañado del ingrediente educativo como lo dices "compromiso inquebrantable con la educación y la justicia social"
Sensiblemente agradecidos.
Etahn Mitchell, Nuestra gratitud por tus palabras, una primera intención era llevar al lector (a<9 de la mano por los caminos de la Sierran-nororiental de Puebla, México, Con un olor a café, madera fina (caoba) y a frutos maduros; para posteriormente hacerlos sentir la existencia de las condiciones sociales y culturas expresadas en las voces de las protagonistas del Proyecto de investigación-intervención. Sin pretender incursionar en una obra literaria, sino sólo el de la comunicación humana que lleve a ponernos en el lugar del "otro", de las "otras" las mujeres como parte de una comunidad enclavadas en la región del Totonakú, que significa la cultura de "tres corazones"; si conseguimos caminar juntos, sentirlas cerca, hermanarnos con ellas, habremos de dar un paso para decir "No sin ellas" como algo que nos concierne, importa y conmueve (en el sentido de la acción compartida) , en un segundo momento como lo comentas más allá del sentido común, del folklor y de una sensiblería barata.
La investigación- intervención se realizó en una acción educativa comprometida, pero al mismo tiempo de esperanza, al propiciar la generación de confianza, amor propio y empoderamiento para iniciar e intentar cambiar por ellas mismas, las condiciones invisibilizadas, negadas y prejuiciadas. Un acto colectivo de académicos, alumnado y comunidad que desafiaron los "No se puede" "Es imposible" "Así son las cosas", expresadas por ellas mismas; para propiciar un encuentro de libertad, equidad e implicación social.
Nuevamente nuestra gratitud, a nombre de este Colectivo.